Last weekend, Memorial Day weekend, was yet another wonderful Spring day and I finally had the chance to get some new plants to put in around the inn.
I had been itching to add some colorful annuals, but held back just in case there should be a last minute frost before Memorial Day -- and there was! It was a good thing that I waited.
We have a great nursery near us in Freehold. It is Story's Nursery and it is open year around.
Really nice people and they have a terrific selection of old favorites and unusual exotics. They really know their plants. We have people who come to our inn who make a special trip down to Story's to pick up some plants before heading home.

In this first foray to the nursery I wanted to get some flowers for the various pots and planters around the inn. This pot is on the front porch of the main inn. I like geraniums with verigated leaves and paired this one with a green and pink coleus.
Here is another pot for the front porch. This one with a wonderful bright red dahlia. Love dahlias! I forget the name of the other plant, but it will have deep blue/purple flowers.
The next spot to fill in was the herb garden. I bought 2 of each - basil, thyme, sage, and oregano. Then filled in with several types of marigolds. The herb garden already has chives and mint that you just can't cut back too far!

This pot features a lovely coleus and a datura, also known as Angel Trumpet.
In this long planter outside the windows of the carriage house studio, I planted zinnias and snapdragons.
More zinnias filled the planters on the south side of the carriage house.
Our ancient lilac bush is bursting with fragrant blooms, as are all of the lilacs around our inn.
As I was saying, Story's has some interesting plants! I found these native Australian flowers called Joey's. They are suppose to do well in hot dry conditions, so I've planted them on the south side of the round garden by the pool. This garden has tall grasses in the center, so in the summer time when the grass is tall, one side is in the shade and the other the blazing sun. Anything I've planted on the sunny side has wilted in the heat. We'll see how the Joey's do!
This planter is near the back steps of the main inn. It has the varigated leaf geranium, a datura, and another of those purple/blue flower plants!
And last but not least is the rosemary in a pot by the back door - for good luck!
Now what about that parade you were talking about, you say. Yes, Greenville had it's yearly Memorial Day parade and it had a really nice turn out. It was a beautiful day.