The life of an innkeeper isn't all glamour and jolly times. Today I fixed two broken toilets, a shower drain, and a stuck lock -- in addition to serving breakfast to 13 and all the other duties that seem to never leave my to do list!
But thank goodness for Spring flowers that we can stop and enjoy!

Last weekend we worked at cutting down all of the broken tree limbs from the winter snow. We lost one of the large Maple trees in the front yard.
We started to try to tackle this one with a handsaw, but soon realized that a more modern tool was needed!
Once we get the stump ground out we'll plant another Maple tree in its place.
Another big task we tackled last weekend was to reorganize our office. A couple of years ago I had arranged everything in a sort of one person "command" center because I was the only one working in the office. But now it has been almost 2 year since Delores, our office assistant and chocolate saleswoman, has joined our team and the office was feeling a little crowded!
Here are the before pictures. This is Mark sitting at Delores' desk and you can see my desk right in back of it. (That plastic bin is our paper recycling bin.)
Here is the shipping department (it's that small white table!).
This is along the right side of the room - storage shelves and file cabinets.
Yes, it looks completely out of control but somehow we managed to make it work. However, now that I've rearranged the office it is going to be even better!
I still have a few more tweaks to do before I take the final "after" pictures but already everyone agrees that this was a much needed move.