Not planted this spring, but flowering for the first time are the gorgeous Muriel tulips, which my mother (who's name is Muriel) gave me for my birthday.
We also planted two pear trees in the front lawn. Pear trees are such lovely trees, with their shiny leaves, and if we happen to get some pears to eat, too, so much the better.
The next major change was to the front porch garden. There use to be this big ugly shrub there. It was yanked out and in its place we planted three David Austin roses. The area surrounding the roses will be filled in with more perennials when I decide what they will be.
On the other side of the front porch garden, we planted another rose bush, along with some foxgloves, hollyhock, delphinium, and some "Dalmatian" flowers. Also coming up in this area are more of the Muriel tulips that I planted last Fall.
Mean while in the back yard, the flowering fence is being filled in with sprouting climatis and climbing roses.
The pool is sparkling and ready to be open for Memorial Day.